Valeo DMF Conversion Kit Flywheel Conversion. Valeo DMF Conversion Kit Flywheel Conversion Valeo DMF Conversion Kit Flywheel Conversion. Easy Installation - Same installation time as dual mass flywheel kit. Durability - New components provide better thermal resistance along with full engine and gearbox protection. Maximum Torque Transfer - Due to its lightweight composition, Valeo Conversion Kits are able to increase torque transfer while reducing torsional stress on the crankshaft. Improved Performance - The Long Travel Damper technology consists of a specific friction plate with a higher damper capacity for improved filtration and transmission performance. Competitive Cost Savings - Experience savings of 15%-20% when compared to the DMF kit. Driving Comfort - High filtration of vibrations and noise enhances driving pleasure. And we will work with you to resolve it to your satisfaction.