Manual Conversion Kit

Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI

Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI
Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI
Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI
Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI

Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI    Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI
See other listing for complete pedalboard midi kit. Virtual Pipe Organ (VPO) or Hauptwerk organ project. To the next level with the.

MIPC-1A Input to MIDI Controller! Effortless installation, this crystal-controlled microprocessor board allows you to. Convert your organ's manuals and stops to MIDI -without the need for.

Diodes, matrix wiring, or programming. Simply connect each key, stop, or piston to the corresponding input, adjust a few DIP switches, and you're ready to go!

1x set of Molex connectors. NO power cable or other accessories included. For keyboards, stops, or pedalboards?

No configuration files or programming. Supports up to 4 analog inputs. For swell shoes & crescendo?

Additional 24 inputs for pistons or stops? Works with existing organ wiring-no matrix conversion needed?

Easy setup in Hauptwerk and other VPO software. Keyboard mode or stop mode. MIDI IN, OUT, and THRU jacks. Power input: 7-17V DC (low 10mA current draw).

Includes cable connectors for easy setup. Hauptwerk users & VPO enthusiasts?? Organ restorations & digital conversions??? Churches, home studios, and organ builders.

Get your organ fully MIDI-capable with the.

Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI    Organ Midi Conversion kit MIPC-1A Hauptwerk organ keyboard manual DTS MIDI